A Roman Catholic presence in the Shenandoah Valley since 1932

We Gather for Mass


The most important occasion we are gathered each week is at the celebration of Sunday Mass. We strive to provide a welcoming and uplifting experience for parishioners and visitors alike, inviting all to hear God's Word proclaimed and preached, to join in prayer and song, and to partake of the Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

Our masses take place on the weekends at 5:00 PM on Saturday; 8:30 AM and 11:30 AM on Sunday.

The liturgical minister schedule is published quarterly for individuals who are assigned as lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, and altar servers. Liturgical ministers also receive a copy of the same schedule in the mail. If you are unable to serve on the dates you have been scheduled, please contact a substitute to take your place. Or contact your ministry coordinator to help you find a substitute.

At each mass, we invite the participation of all in the assembly, and those designated to special liturgical roles. We invite parishioners to assist at mass as Altar Servers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, and Musicians. We provide the necessary training, and a quarterly schedule that accommodates your availability.

altar server

Altar Servers

For centuries, young people have been given a special place in the Eucharistic Liturgy: to assist the Priest Celebrant by serving at the altar. To be an altar server, our parish youth also become integral to the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Altar servers assist the priest in the celebration of the Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Girls and boys who have received their First Communion are eligible to be servers. Servers receive rigorous training to learn their roles and are subject to updating to implement liturgical changes.

The duties of an altar server are varied, but the role can be extremely fulfilling. Altar servers go through a training program to learn their role at Mass, and to gain a deeper knowledge of the Eucharistic Celebration. On special occasions, altar servers will be given specialized instruction, as at the Easter Vigil and at Confirmation when the Bishop presides. The primary focus of the altar server is to assist the Priest Celebrant during the Sunday Mass. This assistance by the Altar Servers allows the congregation to concentrate and participate better in the music, the prayers, the proclamation of Scripture, and most especially, the beautiful Liturgy of the Eucharist. Additional Altar Servers are always welcome.

Coordinator: Ken Raiche

The Art & Environment Ministry consists of many small parts that combine to provide a beautiful and harmonious whole. This ministry plays a significant role in our liturgical life. Workers in this ministry utilize their creativity and talent to assist with floral arrangements, sewing, artistic presentations and decorations, and many other tasks that result in a physical environment that enhances meaningful liturgical celebrations. Volunteers to this ministry are most active during special seasons of the liturgical year, when decoration of the interior and exterior of the Church are significantly more elaborate than at other times of the year. The Pastor consults with the coordinator as needed to respond to the liturgical schedule.

Coordinator: Diana Hall

Those identified as ordinary ministers of Holy Communion typically include bishops, priests, deacons, and instituted acolytes. These are tasked with assisting at the Eucharistic table by virtue of sacred orders.

Lay ministers are identified as “extraordinary” to indicate their assistance at the Eucharistic Table is “outside” of sacred orders. They are volunteers who step forward, are trained by the pastor or those he delegates, and commissioned for this most important role within the Eucharistic Liturgy. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at St. John’s are registered parishioners who have completed the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist) and are in good standing (if married, have celebrated the sacrament validly in the Catholic church).

The pastor has the prerogative of inviting young people preparing for Confirmation to participate in this ministry during their year of preparation for the reception of the sacrament.

Coordinator: Linda Thompson

Lectors proclaim the Word of God during the Liturgy of the Word. Lectors undergo training in pronunciation, voice projection and meaningful proclamation of the Word of the Lord, in order to proclaim the Word in a manner that will enhance the congregation’s experience. We are always in need of more Lectors for Sunday Liturgy. Lectors wishing to assist at weekday liturgy only still need to contact our Ministry Coordinator.

Coordinator: Cindy Steed, liturgy@stjohnevan.com

Participants in this ministry are responsible for the linen (purificators, corporals, towels) required for use during the Eucharistic liturgy. Typically, participants are assigned to assist in this service one month during the year. It involves washing, drying, ironing, and folding cloths used at mass.

Coordinator: Marilyn Keegan

Music Serves the Expression of Faith. The musical styles:

All Masses use the same music selections which are made by the music director. Masses or choirs are not classified with labels as “traditional,” “folk,” or “contemporary.” Just as the Catholic Church is a multi-generational and multi-cultural community, so we strive to preserve the traditional hymns and chants and teach those to our youth so they might appreciate the beauty of our musical heritage, while still moving forward to embrace new music and to gradually incorporate it into our musical repertoire.

Time commitment:

While it is not a requirement to commit to every weekend of the year, all musicians are expected to attend the weekly rehearsal and the warm-up & brief rehearsal 45 minutes before Mass. For our special celebrations, such as Christmas and the Triduum/Easter liturgies, additional rehearsals may be required. Loyalty to a single Mass time is also not a requirement. As all Masses use the same music, musicians have the freedom to attend any Mass as their schedules allow.

Coordinator: Director of Music Job Open

Interim: Sarah Mendonca, music@stjohnevan.com