A Roman Catholic presence in the Shenandoah Valley since 1932

How Do I Get Involved?

get involved

1. If you have not yet registered in the parish, doing so will assist our Administrative Staff with your current contact information. New Parishioner Registration is available online on the Home Page. A member of Parish Council will contact you to complete the process after you fill out and submit the online form. Contact the Parish Office if you need assistance.

2. Each of our parish ministries function in the service of our Parish Mission, to proclaim Good News and help us to love one another. Read the bulletin and listen for announcements that invite parishioner involvement in activities you might be interested in. Contact the listed ministry leader and offer to become part of the ministry team; or contact the Parish Office. The ministry leader will welcome you and schedule to meet with you to provide you the instruction necessary to join the ministry.


3. It is entirely your prerogative to be as involved as you choose in as many ministries as you desire. We hope your involvement in the life of the parish will be spiritually enriching and will help build our parish community.


4. Please inform your ministry leader if you are no longer able or willing to assist in the ministry's mission. It is preferable that you don't just step back without communicating your true intentions. This will prevent any awkwardness, and enable you to get involved in other ministries with greater ease. When there is a misunderstanding or conflict, the ministry leader has the responsibility to address it before it is brought to the attention of the Pastor. It is our hope to resolve challenges so they do not cause damage to our unity or Christian charity.

leaving ministry

5. Occasionally, parishioners will bring ideas or suggestions that will result in the creation of a new ministry or the restructuring of an existing ministry. All parish ministries need the approval of the Pastor to function at St. John the Evangelist Church. The Pastor reserves the right to establish or suppress parish ministries as he sees fit.

something new

Check out "We Gather for Mass" for liturgical ministries.

Check out "We Build a Life Together" for community life ministries.

Check out "We Reach Out in Service" for service outreach and social ministries.