I was raised in a non-Christian faith (Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.) or I grew up in a Christian household but have never received baptism.
And now I want to become Catholic.
A Catholic / Roman Catholic is a baptized Christian
- who professes faith in the Blessed Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) as revealed in sacred scripture,
- recognizes Jesus Christ as Son of God, who by his passion, death, and resurrection brought about our reconciliation with God through the forgiveness of our sins,
- is nourished and nurtured by the Holy Spirit through the grace of the sacraments,
- under the care of legitimate pastors in Apostolic Succession in union with the Bishop of Rome.
The path to baptism involves a process of discernment with the assistance of the Christian Initiation Team (RCIA--Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) made up of baptized Catholics who assist the pastor (Fr. Francis Musolooza) and his delegate (Michele Kresge, Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation / Coordinator of Ministry to Children and Youth) in forming the Seeker in the faith and tradition of the Catholic Church. Baptism for adults is typically celebrated at the Easter Vigil after at least a full calendar year of formation in the faith. Each step of the process is carefully reviewed by the Pastor with the recommendation of the Christian Initiation Team, and celebrated with the church community.